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Auteur: Alma Bonger


Common idioms in the workplace

3 January 2019 by Alma Bonger
Idioms are phrases used as a form of expression which appear natural to a language, person or group of people. They are not easily explained using grammar rules and cannot be easily understood by defining the individual words (e.g. when we say it’s raining cats and dogs, there will be...

Commonly misspelled words in the English language

24 October 2018 by Alma Bonger
English has many genuinely confusing words in its vocabulary, but the words discussed in this post are unfortunately not part of them. The difference between these commonly confused words is relatively straightforward, yet they are commonly mixed up with one another, especially online. When do we use your instead of...

British versus American English: What’s the difference?

23 August 2018 by Alma Bonger
The British and the Americans clearly speak the same language, even though there is enough variation to create different versions of the language with slightly different characteristics. Are the British and the Americans really ‘divided by a common language’? How different are these two, really? N.B.: For the record, the...

Diplomatic communication: the art of tact

8 March 2018 by Alma Bonger
If you’ve ever negotiated your way out of a tricky situation or took part in a business transaction, you’ve probably employed a certain level of tact as a means of achieving your objective.

Everything you need to know about the Cambridge Business English exams

17 October 2017 by Alma Bonger
Many business English students are currently preparing for their exams. What’s all the fuss about? In a nutshell, Cambridge Assessment English is an organization dedicated to providing examinations and qualifications for students and teachers of English. They have been operating since 1913 and, presently, over 5 million people take a Cambridge English...

How can reading expand my active vocabulary?

15 May 2017 by Alma Bonger
Students often ask for tips on expanding their vocabulary. Most of them have little difficulty when it comes to reading about topics they are already familiar with, but struggle with coming up with the right words when discussing an unfamiliar topic. Learning new words, or using the right ones, can...

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