Cultural training
Our cultural and intercultural communication trainings are conducted by our sister company Mazzi-Inc.
The key to international business success
Your (cultural) background largely determines your frame of reference. Consequently, people from different backgrounds often have a different frame of reference. You can encounter this in many ways, including in a work situation. International colleagues may handle things very differently from what you are used to. They may have a different communication style, divide their time differently or show their emotions in a different way.
Awareness of cultural differences and to what extent they affect you is called Cultural Awareness. This is the first step in Intercultural Competence. By improving intercultural competence within a team, you prevent a lot of irritation, frustration and miscommunication – it creates more mutual understanding. The more training you undertake in this area, the more effective and successful your intercultural communication will become.
Cultural training courses
Why intercultural competence is essential
Are you unsure whether intercultural competence training is relevant for you or your organisation? Or would you like to know more about the theory behind our intercultural competence training courses and why they are essential for an international team?
You can read more about that via the links below:
More on: Intercultural communication
More on: Diversity & Inclusion or DEI
Managing an international team
The cross-cultural aspect is an essential element of a company. But how do you manage a multicultural team in the most efficient way? Managing differences and seeking synergies are strategic stakes at issue if you want to improve your competitiveness on an international scale.
Did you know that diverse teams can perform up to 35% better? When individuals understand each others’ cultural differences, and know how to leverage them as well as communicate across them – they are more confident and experience an increased sense of belonging. Our intercultural leadership training is for managers and team leads of diverse and/or virtual teams, where team members are from different cultures and backgrounds.
Cultural Profiler
We offer a unique online network, active in more than 70 countries. All employees are internationally oriented and are more than happy to share their experiences by way of online information, discussions and exchanges. You can set up your own personal cultural profile and compare it to the cultural profile of a country of your choice, which is an exceptionally helpful tool when integrating into a new country or within a multicultural team.
More information
We are happy to provide you with more information regarding cultural training and integrated language and culture workshops. Please contact us using the form below: